Marlon Tate vacuum sealed Space packaging

Marlon Tate Press Kit


Creative strategy
Brand narrative
Brand identity
Design & art direction
Packaging design





Marlon Tate is a new creative agency known for creating narrative-driven branding and advertising for exciting brands by combining fiction and surrealist storytelling. A small, yet prolific creative agency, our offices are based in Athens and London but we also claim to have two more; one in Jupiter and one in Mars as a humorous take on the myth of the massive ad agency with offices in ”New York-Milan-Shanghai’’. Our objective was to come up with a creative way to let journalists, clients and other agencies know who we are and what we do.

Our strategy was to create a press kit that would not only let people know who we are, but it would also expand on our metaphorical narrative that we are the first agency with offices in space while at the same time promoting Marlon Tate’s strong suite; storytelling. Essentially through this press kit, our objective was to highlight our talent, our creativity; our imaginative copywriting, our provocative art direction and the strategic abilities of our team. They say that the best way to tell a story is to immerse your audience in it and that is why we wanted our press kit to have an experiential aspect to it. So we decided to create a press kit that could have been posted from outer space.

We created vacuum-sealed space bags containing a newspaper with fictional news (that we wrote), fictional ads (that we made) for fictional products (that we wish they had existed).

Essentially, the press kit is a vacuum-sealed packaging that draws upon the food packaging NASA create’s for the astronauts who travel in outer space. Inside our vacuum-sealed press kit the recipient can find The New World Times; a fake newspaper featuring fictional news and fictional ads for fake products. By flicking through the newspaper, one can read the weather forecast in Mars, an interview with our very own creative director Nikos Georgopoulos on how does it feel to lead the first creative agency with offices in space as well as a series of articles such as the one about Rorry Ross (fictional character), the charismatic Chief Executive of Open Planet (fictional company) who teamed up with other Earthlings celebrities to launch a new hip brand of mood stabilisers called ‘Moondyz’ (fictional brand). The ambitious young editor of this article, expresses her enthusiasm and offers her congratulations to Mr Ross because ”… Moondyz are here to change everything we know about space travelling”. After all, as she notes, no matter how brilliant and rewarding the journey to the Moon is, it’s also really tough on the human body and overall mood. She also notes that it has been more than a few instances that she has missed on extraordinary performances at the ‘Galaxia Opera Centre’ (fictional concert hall on the Moon) or dinner reservations at the iconic ‘Loona’ (fictional fancy restaurant on the Moon) due to appalling mood drops caused by being inside a space rocket for 8 hours. Of course, the chances of this happening again, she claims, are near zero because of ‘Moondyz’ although she goes on to note that ‘Moondyz’ come with its fair share of side effects— most famously, the possibility of turning your hair electric blue (for at least five days)

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